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St. Louis swingers

Lifeinstyle The 90’s Meet and Greet

The crew here at Nebraska Swingers and Swinger411 are packing up and heading the road and heading to St Louis Missouri for the Lifeinstyle 90’s themed Meet and Greet on August 9th 2024. We are all really excited to mix and mingle and make new friends.  When you are in the swinger lifestyle it’s always a good idea to get out of your local community and meet new people from other cities.  If being in the lifestyle is how some people keep things fresh and new, there is nothing more fresh and new than making friends a couple hundred miles away.  

From what we have seen so far Lifeinstyle really knows how to throw an event and bring people together.  This meet and greet is being hosted by Purple Temptress and Purple Temptress Husband.  These two are well known for being amazing hosts in the midwest swinger lifestyle as well as being swinger content creators.  

There is still time to sign up and get in on the action,  Head over to the Lifeinstyle website and get registered ASAP. If you are a local Nebrsaka Swinger and you are heading down as well be sure and follow our main twitter of Swinger411 as well as the Facebook page.  Sometimes knowing people when you are traveling out of town can help break the ice and make things allot more relaxed and fun. 


Lifeinstyle Website 

Hosts On “X” formily Twitter 

Purple Temptress

Purple Temptress Husband

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Kansas swinger Halloween party

Emerald City Halloween Hotel Takeover Salina Kansas

The 4th of July is over and the end of the summer events are booking out or happening as you read this, so now it’s time my swinger friends to start thinking about the swingers Halloween parties. Halloween is one of the busiest times of the year for swingers, between house parties and hotel takeovers there is something almost every weekend in the Midwest.  

Well here we are out of the gate with an Amazing swingers event in Salina Kansas. The Emerald City Halloween Hotel takeover is set to be an amazing two day event. Starting on October 25th to Sunday October 27th,  You can get full information at There are a couple of groups coming together to put on this epic event. 

This party boasts some rather great activities such as the entire hotel being BYOB, as well as a Dungeon for some sexy BDSM play. I think our team here is most excited about the access to the clothing optional indoor pool.  There are still items being added to the schedule so make sure you check on or become part of the Infamous Entertainment Events community on Kasidie

So start planning your naughty Dorothy or flying monkey outfits now, this party is going to be one that is talked about in the Midwest swinger community for a while.  So do not waste time and get your tickets and your rooms booked ASAP.  While you don’t need to have a room to attend this event, we all know that swinger hotel takeover parties are far more fun if you have a place to either have some quiet time or to guarantee that you have a place to play.  The rooms are sporting pillow top beds, LED televisions and refrigerators. This may sound rather standard to some of you but having a hotel that gives you a killer room to party in can take a swinger party to the next level.  

As any large swingers weekend should have there will be a sexy and kinky vendors fair offering a variety of sexy and kinky toys.  Be sure to stop in and take care of some amazing brands and get some great quality toys and naughty gifts. So be sure and leave some space open in your suitcases for all the epic gear you will bring home. 

If you have any questions about this event you can contact the organizers at swingict contact page as well as on Kasidie. Be sure and reach out and network with others so you have the best time you can possibly have at a hotel takeover of this size.

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Preparing for a Swinger Hotel Takeover in Nebraska

Packing Essentials: What to Bring for a Successful Event
There are, of course, a few factors that will play into what you pack and how you pack for a swinger hotel takeover in Nebraska. Most of the larger hotel parties happen in the fall, right around Halloween, and in January or February. This being said, you will want to be sure you pack to not only dress to impress but also for the weather. So, choose your outfits to make you feel sexy and keep you comfortable.

Make sure you bring comfortable shoes. You will spend a lot of time on your feet, moving around to meet and mingle with other partygoers. You will probably also spend time on the dance floor, so make sure your feet don’t wear out before the end of the night.

Be sure you have all of the toiletries you need for personal hygiene. This honestly cannot be stressed enough. Most public areas and meeting and ballroom spaces at large hotel takeovers are hot, and you can sweat quickly. Hotel soaps and shampoos are often generic and can be harsh on your skin. So, be sure you have everything you need to freshen up and smell and look your best through the night. You will also want to be able to clean up and make yourself presentable after having some sexy time.

Always have some cash on you! The bars are often flooded with people, and running credit cards often slows down the lines and liquor service. Be sure to have some cash to make everything faster and a little smoother. It will also make tipping the bar staff much easier.

Setting Expectations with Your Partner
We always recommend you take the time to meet others and sign up for a couple of swinger sites to meet other couples or singles that are active in the swinger community in Nebraska. This way, when you attend a large hotel takeover, you have people you can mingle with. But with this comes expectations.

The odds of playing at a single night or multiple night swingers hotel takeover are rather high. There are often hundreds of couples and singles all wanting to play. So, make sure you establish what sort of play you and your partner are comfortable with, as well as how you plan to have reclaim or reconnection time. You really don’t want to be having these discussions when you’re in the heat of the moment. Not being on the same page can also lead to you both being nervous, which can lead to you both not having a good time.

Understanding Event Etiquette and Rules
The rules of what is allowed in public areas of swinger hotel takeovers change all the time. Make sure you know where the rules for the event are posted and you have a contact person for any questions or concerns about the rules you might have.

Tips for Making the Most of Your Experience
The biggest piece of advice we can give here is to be sure you know your limits. There is often a lot of alcohol and drinking at these sorts of events, and it is very easy to get comfortable and a little too tipsy. You want to be sure you know your limits and stay in control of yourself. If this is your first time attending a hotel takeover in Nebraska, you will quickly learn that the community is small and first impressions are very important.

Keep an eye on the schedule of the events that will be going on. If there are classes or seminars, make sure you know what time they start and the location within the hotel.

Sign up for a lifestyle website! Don’t just rely on Facebook or Facebook Groups to connect and meet people. There are many reasons you don’t want to waste time with Facebook groups. You will actually want to use swinger lifestyle sites; you will find that most members are more serious about being in the lifestyle.

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Midwest Swingers

What to Expect at a Swinger Halloween Party: A Beginner’s Guide

Attending a swinger Halloween party for the first time can be an exciting yet nerve-wracking experience. These parties blend the fun and fantasy of Halloween with the open-minded, adventurous spirit of the swinger lifestyle. If you’re a newcomer, here’s a guide on what to expect, including common activities, etiquette, dress code, and tips for making the most out of your first swingers Halloween party.

Something to consider before reading too far into this article is these parties can be held in a variety of locations. Most swinger halloween parties are held in venues such as onsite play clubs, but the most common swinger halloween parties in the midwest are complete hotel takeovers.

Common Activities
Swinger Halloween parties offer a variety of activities that cater to different comfort levels and interests. As with any party, there’s plenty of mingling, dancing, and socializing. Many parties also include icebreaker games to help guests get to know each other. Expect themed games that tie into the Halloween spirit, such as costume contests or scavenger hunts with naughty twists.

Some parties may have designated play areas where consensual adult activities take place. These areas are often separated from the main party space to ensure privacy and comfort for those who choose to participate. Whether you’re just there to observe, socialize, or engage, there’s no pressure to do anything you’re not comfortable with.

Etiquette is crucial at swinger events to ensure everyone has a safe and enjoyable experience. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

1. Respect and Consent**: Always ask for and receive explicit consent before touching anyone. No means no, and everyone’s boundaries must be respected.

2. No Pressure**: Never pressure anyone into participating in activities they’re not comfortable with. Everyone has different comfort levels, and it’s important to respect that.

3. Confidentiality**: What happens at the party stays at the party. Respect the privacy of others and don’t share details or identities outside the event.

4. Communication**: Clear and open communication is vital. If you’re attending with a partner, discuss boundaries and expectations beforehand.

5. Hygiene**: Personal hygiene is important. Be clean and considerate of others’ comfort.

Dress Code
Costumes are a big part of swinger Halloween parties, adding an element of fun and fantasy. While the dress code can vary by event, here are some general tips:

1. **Sexy and Comfortable**: Choose a costume that makes you feel sexy yet comfortable. Whether it’s a sultry witch, a daring vampire, or a playful superhero, wear something that boosts your confidence.

2. **Theme Appropriate**: Some parties might have specific themes, so check the event details in advance to ensure your costume fits the theme.

3. **Easily Removable**: If you plan to engage in play activities, consider wearing a costume that is easy to remove.

4. **Avoid Offensive Outfits**: Steer clear of costumes that could be offensive or inappropriate. Stick to fun, flirty, and respectful choices.

Tips for Making the Most Out of the Experience

1. **Be Open-Minded**: Approach the event with an open mind. Swinger parties are about exploring fantasies and connecting with like-minded individuals.

2. **Set Boundaries**: Know your boundaries and communicate them clearly. It’s okay to step back if you feel uncomfortable at any point.

3. **Socialize**: Don’t be shy! Introduce yourself, mingle, and make new friends. Swinger parties are social events where people are open and friendly.

4. **Stay Safe**: If you decide to engage in play, practice safe sex. Use protection and be aware of your limits.

5. **Have Fun**: Most importantly, enjoy yourself. Swinger Halloween parties are designed for fun and adventure. Embrace the experience and make lasting memories.

Attending a swinger Halloween party can be a thrilling adventure. By understanding what to expect, adhering to etiquette, dressing appropriately, and following these tips, you’ll be well-prepared to enjoy the night. Whether you’re there to observe, socialize, or participate, remember that the ultimate goal is to have fun in a respectful and consensual environment.

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Meeting Swinging Lifestyle Couples in Nebraska

Finding couples in the swinger lifestyle as a couple can be a very time-consuming and tedious task. But this time and effort, and even frustration, can produce some amazing relationships and lead to some very hot, sexy playtime. We are often asked what people can do to improve the odds of not only meeting another swinger couple but actually getting to playtime.

Try Some Swinger Lifestyle Websites

Between work and family commitments and even important hobbies, many of us don’t have time to spend every weekend hanging out at a local swingers club. While Omaha and Lincoln have regular swinger lifestyle meetups, these are often Fridays and Sundays and are super busy, so you don’t always get the opportunity to have a decent conversation with a couple you and your partner might be interested in.

This is why swinger lifestyle websites come in handy. You can sign up and begin messaging other couples from the comfort of your own home. You can try to get a feel for one another and see what you all have in common. There are some great swinger websites that work great for swingers in Nebraska.

Be Sure You Know What You Want Out of Swinging

To some of you, this will seem like a no-brainer, but you would be surprised how often couples really have no idea what they really want. Sure, we all know we want great sex and adventure, but many couples, especially new couples, have no idea what this should look like. So before you sign up for a swingers website, be sure you and your partner know what it is you are looking for. Here are a few examples of questions you may want answers to:

  • Are we looking to play together or separate?  
    • Are you wanting to all play together in the same room so you can scratch your voyeur and exhibitionist side? Do you enjoy watching your partner in the throes of passion? Or are you going to be more comfortable if you just come together after the play session is done?
  • What is allowed and what sexual or emotional acts are not allowed? 
    • Are you okay with your partner kissing? Is anal sex allowed? Are you both comfortable with cuddling? These are all important things you as a couple want to be on the same page about before you begin looking for other couples.
  • Swingers Parties or Just Casual Play?
    • Something to consider as well is where and when play can happen. Be sure you know if you want to host a get-together at your own home or if you want to play at swingers parties or just get a hotel room for one-night encounters.

Build Your Swinger Website Profile Together

A huge red flag of most profiles on swingers websites are profiles that feature one partner more than the other. You will see profiles that only talk about the woman in the couple, usually about how much she likes to play with other women and how bisexual they are, and the husband’s interest and info is secondary.

Very male-centric profiles are often men who are sort of dragging their not-so-enthused partner along for the ride. Keep an eye out for red flags of them wanting to only talk to one of you and not really having their female side involved in any of the conversations. Profiles that talk about and highlight both of you are much more likely to attract like-minded couples looking for the same things you are.

Setup a Group Chat

Once you find that swinger couple that you really want to move to the next level, set up a group chat. Make sure you are all in the chat and are openly communicating. If the other couple goes low to no response or one partner is just not jumping into the conversation, you might be wasting your time and you might want to go back to the drawing board. A group chat is a great way to get everyone on the same page and keep communication open and above board. It takes a lot of pressure off our next topic.

Setup a Low-Pressure Meeting

Set up a date and time that you all can get together at a location outside of a swingers meetup or swingers club. Set up a dinner date or bowling and make it in a location where you can all actually talk to one another. Movies and live music shows make this sort of talk very difficult. Just remember family stuff and work can often mess up the best-laid plans.

We hope that these tips and tricks help you find another couple to have a lot of sexy fun with if that is what you are looking for.

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finding swingers in small rural

Finding Swingers in Small Rural Nebraska Towns: Tips and Strategies

Recently, we’ve received numerous inquiries from individuals living in small rural towns about how to find swingers safely within their local communities. Finding swingers in a small town indeed presents a unique set of challenges. Small communities are often tightly knit, and the potential for judgment or gossip is a real concern. For many, the solution has been to travel to larger cities like Omaha, Lincoln, or Kearney, but this isn’t always feasible more than a few times a year.

However, there are effective strategies for those looking to connect with like-minded individuals closer to home. One of the most successful methods we’ve found is using online platforms designed for swingers, such as Kasidie. This platform has proven to be highly effective for networking with other swingers, especially for those in small Nebraska communities.

Kasidie offers several advantages that make it a preferred choice among swingers. One of the key features is its user verification process, which helps build trust within the community. Users can be confident that they are interacting with real people, which significantly reduces the risk of encountering fake profiles or scams. Additionally, Kasidie is active in the swinger community, participating in events both large and small across the country. This visibility and involvement help to foster a sense of community and trust among its users.

For individuals in small towns, using Kasidie can be a game-changer. The response rate on the platform has been excellent, and the rate of successful meetups has been higher than on many other sites. This is particularly important for those who may only have a limited number of opportunities each year to travel to larger cities for swinger events.

To get started, here are a few tips for using Kasidie and other online swinger platforms effectively:

1. **Create a Detailed Profile**: Make sure your profile is complete and provides a good sense of who you are and what you’re looking for. Include clear, recent photos and be honest about your interests and boundaries.

2. **Engage Actively**: Don’t just wait for others to contact you. Reach out to potential matches and engage in conversations. The more active you are, the more likely you are to find compatible partners.

3. **Attend Local Events**: Even in small towns, there may be local swinger events or meetups. Kasidie often lists these events, and attending them can help you connect with others in your area.

4. **Practice Discretion**: In small communities, discretion is key. Use private messaging to communicate and arrange meetups, and be mindful of how you discuss your lifestyle with others.

5. **Verify and Vet**: Take advantage of Kasidie’s verification methods to ensure the people you’re interacting with are genuine. This adds an extra layer of security and peace of mind.

6. **Network with Nearby Communities**: If your town is particularly small, consider broadening your search to include nearby towns. This can increase your chances of finding compatible partners without the need for frequent long-distance travel.

By following these tips and utilizing platforms like Kasidie, individuals in small rural towns can safely and effectively connect with the swinger community. The challenges of living in a tightly knit community can be mitigated by leveraging online resources and practicing discretion. Whether you’re new to the lifestyle or looking to expand your network, there are viable options for finding like-minded individuals closer to home. See the Unicorn of the Month!

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